Saturday, July 21, 2012

Give Me One More Week

Hello everyone!!

Do you know what I have promised you guys this week? My monthly picture of how I am getting toned. My Toning my body program. And for the past three weeks I have been going to the gym nonstop and eating healthy. However, I must say that these past five days I have been working on a social event that has lead me to forget about the gym, and forget about eating healthy. That didn't mean I was leaving it behind, but because I was so busy I didn't keep up with my 5 meals a day. Unfortunately this is the reason I am asking you to give me one more week so that I can catch up with everything I did not do these past five days.

A little update:

Eating healthy: At first I was doing it all wrong. I was eating really healthy. Too healthy. I wasn't taking in any proteins which just made me hungrier by the time I finished the gym. When I started balancing everything out. It was so much easier for me to keep up and be energized. Your body needs all that fuel and natural vitamins to keep it going.

Don't starve: There are many vegetables I hate. But, remember there is a lot to choose from. Just like anything vegetables are not so limited and you can adapt to something or grow to like it. And don't stick with only salads because they can bore you really easily. Opt for brown rice and brown pasta and mix in your veggies in there. Anything brown will make you fill up faster.

To eat healthy you have to eat one of each line in the pyramid.

Going to the gym: My tips for this one is to push yourself. You are capable of what you don't even think you are. Yes you can keep going, and whenever you feel like you are going to give up, imagine your best body. It is really hard for me to keep up sometimes with my yoga class because I am really week on my arms, but I have grown so much stronger, and have done things I thought were not possible. So trust me, if I can, you can.


  • Keep a food journal and an inspirational board. In your board put quotes and pictures that will inspire you to become the best you.
  • Don't weigh yourself everyday or even every week. That was my mistake. Because once you start loosing those extra pounds and you'll see numbers you will become confident. Too confident to the point where I was eating things I shouldn't have. Your best ally is the mirror, you will see changes there and you will like it.
  •  Force yourself to water. Drink, drink, drink. Your body should be drinking half your weight in fluid ounces.
  • Mix it up: Don't bore yourself by going to the gym only there are many great workouts in youtube. And it doesn't have to be all the same. Do yoga, zumba, pilates, martial arts, etc. Your body will respond better if you are constantly changing up your routine because your metabolism will boost and you will shed that belly fat straight away.

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