Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How To Deal with Rude Co-Workers

Hello everyone,

We all think that once highschool is over bullying is over as well. However, life is like a big highschool and some people just seem to never grow up. We often find really rude people in the workplace that are willing to criticize your every move, so these are a few tips to not let co-workers, classmates, or people around you affect you.

Story time
I recently got a new job, and all the girls were around my age (20-ish). The girls would criticize everything I did and laugh and whisper things about me. I knew because I remembered how girls used to be in middle school. Anyways, I didn't let it get to me since I was just there for work and not to make any friends. But then, one of my bosses would also start sneak talk about me. So to see a 35 year old man talking about you to employees really started to get to me. They began creating gossips about me and how I had lied in my resume which I didn't. But this was all because my boss instead of acting like the manager he should be, he would stand and talk about me behind my back. When I stood up to him he denied everything and said he would talk to them to clear all confusions.

Anyways, I could not believe that as adults people would still be acting as teenagers. Then I realized that it could always be this way and that there are always going to be rude or hard to work with co-workers hopefully my tips help you.

1. Respect: 
As long as you respect your co-workers even though they may be really rude you will always win by showing them respect. They will hopefully realize that how they are acting is wrong or childish. If they are being rude that does not mean you have to be rude as well.

2. Have confidence in yourself
When you show people your insecurities they will use them against you. Have confidence in what you do. And if you do it wrong its okay because everyone is human, just apologize and improve, but continue forward.

3. Have courage
Have courage to stand up for what you believe and what you do. Do not let people step on you.

4. Be the better person
Avoid conflicts and avoid gossipy people wherever you work. If someone gossipy talks to you about another co-worker do not reply to any of their comments as they may later want to use that against you.

I hope some of these tips are useful. Please share below more tips and stories you may have from rude co-workers.

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